Sunday, January 24, 2010

Struggles of Blogging

About seven months ago...
after countless days of blog stocking...
I decided I needed to start up my own.
And this is where my blogging life began.
At first it was easy...
Wedding, honeymoon, new house, Harlie's death, Miss Bentlie,
then is started to get tough...
What does a girl write about?
-I don't have any kids,
-I haven't gone on any vacations lately,
-I'm already graduated.
So what else is there? What possibly would interest whoever reads my blog to keep reading?
I could tell you that Bentlie now knows how to give a high five, lay and shake,
that she has lost almost all her teeth.
I could tell you that Chase spent the whole day watching football playoffs
that he is the best husband in the world.
I could tell you that I work 40 hours a week and long for the days that working out and laying by the pool in St George was a daily ritual
that Bentlie is almost 5 months old and about 22 lbs,
but is that really what people want to read about?
Headlines like Bentlie's first day of puppy school!
Or Finally Potty Trained!
Go Colt's or I Miss St. George?
Well those lucky few (and I mean very few) of you that do read my blog,
I do apologize because until Chase gets his priorities right :)
and decides we can have some Mini Nortons...

That's what your getting!


  1. Love it... and we'll get our vacation soon enough! :-) Then soon after that mini nortons for sure! Excited to see you Tuesday and we were thinking dinner and a movie on Saturday?

  2. Ha ha! Kaitlin I miss you! You are so funny! I promise there are more people that read your blog than you probably think! I know how you feel though and I do have a kid! Sometimes there is just nothing to blog about! I do want to know about all those things you wrote though so you better keep blogging! I definitely would love to see some little nortons running around though :) You should try getting pregnant this summer! We are and that would be so fun to be pregnant together!

  3. haha, I love this post Kait! I totally hear ya. But it's normal life I wanna hear about! I miss you! I don't know why we don't do more with our hubbies together. And yes please to the Mini Norton idea!! They'd be so stinkin cute, and so much fun! How is little baby Harlow?

  4. so funny Kaitlin! I love reading your blog whenever you update! See you tonight!!
