Sunday, April 17, 2011

Baby Norton #1: The Details

It all started with a romantic night haha okay not those details!!

Not thinking I was pregnant at all and wanting something to do on a wintery February night, I took a pregnancy test but had thrown away the instructions the month earlier (there were two in a box and I figured I would remember what the results looked like). I did my thing, waited, and looked at the test. "What the heck do two lines mean again?" I thought to myself. It was an early response test so it didn't have the typical plus sign negative sign. I racked my brains and could not remember if two lines meant positive or negative. I walked down stairs and said "Well I think I might be pregnant." (I know fun way to tell the husband right haha) Chase says what do you mean you think you might be pregnant. I explained the situation to him we frantically started googling images for positive pregnancy tests and sure enough mine looked like the positive ones. Chase wasn't convinced and thought I should take a few more (5 more to be exact) all which came out positive (I had the instructions this time). We went out for a celebratory Slurpee and that is where Baby Norton #1 Begins.

The Pregnancy: Week by Week
Week 5- Found out I was pregnant. Really tired but could not sleep
Week 6- Started getting really nauseous. Craved Broccoli like crazy.
Week 7- Started getting morning sickness and throwing up every day.
Week 8- More throw up usually just in the mornings. Frequent urination set in (gotta love it)
Week 9-First Dr. Apt. heard the heart beat and saw the little bean :) We told our families and I "ran into" my sister at the Doctors (our Drs are in the same building and we happened to have an appointment at the same time. Can you say coincidence)
Week 10- Told our friends and people at my work. Craved Greek Pasta Salad from Costco which they no longer make!! What?
Week 11- Morning sickness got a lot better and pretty much diminished. Craved Parmesan Gold Fish crackers and oranges
Week 12- Started getting a bump (that looks more like I ate too much)
Week 13- Finally could make it through the day with out having to take a nap. Both Grandmas spoiled the little babe like crazy.
Week 14- Had my second Dr's apt. Accidentally found out we were having a BOY!!
Week 15- Craved Apples, got a Mom Car (thanks hun and sorry you had to part with your truck)

The Proof
(I wasn't kidding about the 6 tests!)

Little Guy's profile

Legs and Bum
(I swear he has Chase's ghetto booty. Chase claims it's too early to tell)

1 comment:

  1. So excited for the little or should I say husky :-) Norton boy! You 2 are going to be the best parents! With the cutest blonde headed boy I've ever seen. Love you guys!
